This posting expresses my own opinion and does not represent DuPont Company information, positions, strategies or opinion
Oh geez. It’s been a few days now and I’m feel like I’ve been falling off the pace. You know sleep is good. Aside from that I’d been preoccupied with my wife’s family coming over this evening. It’s been really nice to have their presence over. Actually, it was just surprising they seemed to come spontaneously over in honor of my birthday. Work at my employer has definitely peaked in it’s technical demands of me. Yes I’m an ASP .NET web developer. If you don’t know what that is, let’s just say it’s pretty hardcore software development and it’s in many ways the hardest kind of software development you can do because it’s in an area that is most likely to have bugs and errors. But like I’ve said before I find myself feeling way behind the times in a lot of technical areas. I’m a mixed bag of pretty serious technical knowledge combined with large areas of being a dunce. I’m the product of many years of some tough events in my life chipping away at my life energy. I’m tired with many years behind me.
Let me shift the topic a bit. Maybe once again it’s the delusional view of a tired middle aged man, but where did all this internet busy body stuff come from? You know: MySpace, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, and probably a slew of other things I should be signing up with. I call it busy body stuff because I don’t know about you but it seems that using all these services/features is a full time job. I used to be be the computer nerd/geek, but TV personalities, people much older and younger then me seem to be more up with the technical times than I. I’m no longer the bright geek but a tired forgotten memory of who I dreamed I would be. Man I need to get with it!
Is it me or is everyone really smart with computers and internet related stuff? In my rush to keep up with the Joneses I signed up and have a Twitter, Facebook, and something called Loopt accounts. I’ve never gotten to use them so I don’t remember my username anymore. I’ve watched youtube but feel a bit embarrassed that my cousin who was a dancer and not computer person started putting up her own movies a couple of years ago. Movies now portray a reality where someone can catch you doing something embarrassing on their cell phone and feed it to youtube in a matter of minutes. You can’t really do that that easily? Can you? Oh this should be embarrassing, but I’m feel too old and tired to be embarrassed. I just need to get this off my just.
One of these days I’m going to be up with the Joneses. I’m going to be twitting, myspacing, youtubing, facebooking, instant messessaging and whatever else is in vogue. I mean a couple weeks ago I never used this thing called WordPress and now I’m using WordPress, but I still don’t know how to get photos into my blog. I can upload photos but I don’t know how to show them to you. Then I read there’s things on my page about RSS, traceback and pingbacks. What are these? One day I will resume my title as technical junkie and I’ll be saying to you:
“You know the other day I was linking live streaming video to YouTube and had it automatically twitting subtitles in different languages using RSS with links to Facebook, Myspace and thigamajig service. What’s that you never heard of the thigamajig service? Are you kidding me you need to get up with the times! The thigamajig service is the ……. blah blah blah.”
I will become the technical Guru. Oh yes. …. I will.
Oh yes.