
One Response to About

  1. WakundaMa says:

    Some people who know me from what I’ve written in http://www.wakundama.com are confused as to why I’m taking a more materialistic slant in this blog. Materialism does sound counter to spiritual. All I can say is that I am a multi-dimensional person and blogging is about showing a particular slice of who I am. So this is a bit more narrowly focused blog about trying to make money with the many get rich online schemes that you’ll eventually stumble across.

    Honestly there is a lot of skepticism and cynicism around doing this. However, after you reach a threshold of skepticism and cynicism you just sort of admit defeat and say “what the heck.” All this stuff will probably fail, but I think it might be amusing to blog about it.

    So for know think of this as an intentionally constrained view of this quest to get rich online. I think this constraining is just a way of focusing my writing on a particular topic. I will inevitably venture about out of the lines and talk a bit of my personal life. If I do have stuff that starts to get too far off the thread I’ll probably put it on a different blog or website.

    If you want to see a bit more of my personal life, you can visit http://www.wakundama.com or http://www.touchthesource.com (this one’s a bit underdeveloped at the moment though)

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